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Van Lan Truong
Prevention Program Analyst | Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services
Van Lan Truong is a Prevention Program Analyst at the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services, Division of Consumer Affairs, Family Affair, and Cultural Community Wellness Program. She has a lifelong record of public service as a Vietnamese community organizer and advocate. She is passionate about rallying and empowering the Vietnamese community in all aspects for social change, social justice, and health disparities among ethnic communities.
Van Lan has a deep working knowledge of the Vietnamese community spanned several major cities of the U.S. such as Boston, Washington D.C, Houston, and San Jose. Currently, Van Lan is a commissioner of the Hsinchu, Taiwan Sister- County Commission in the County of Santa Clara, a member of the Sourcewise Advisory Council, and the president of the Northern Association of Friends from Tay Ninh. Van Lan is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and resides in Milpitas, California.